Laura Mars Gallery
Bülowstraße 52
10783 Berlin – Schöneberg
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Laura Mars Gallery
Opening / Vernissage
Opening Luise Marchand / Stefanie Seufert

For their exhibition at the Laura Mars Gallery, Luise Marchand and Stefanie Seufert have conceived new pieces; their individual working methods question the medium of photography, ‘digging’ at its foundations through a collision of technique and subjectivity, abstraction and concretion. The dusty austerity of the apparatus encounters a joyful absence of intention coupled with provoked mishaps. 

The starting point in Luise Marchand’s work is always the photographic image, which she expands into objects or large-scale installations by means of an aesthetic sense and visual vocabulary redolent of the advertising industry. Stefanie Seufert extends photography in the direction of painting, sculpture and performance. Temporal sequences and serial processes as well as manipulation and gestures carried out in the darkroom play a key role in her work, in which the relationship between intention and coincidence conjoins with a subtle loss of control. 

Luise Marchand | Stefanie Seufert